Call for Proposals: 2010 WAGE Individual Faculty Research Awards – Applications Due April 6

The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) announces an individual grant competition to support research projects on globalization and the international economy.  All University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty are encouraged to apply. There will be approximately 1-3 grants of up to $10,000 awarded, which will be available for use from May 15, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

With this call for proposals WAGE aims to support research projects that explore the consequences of and challenges posed by economic globalization and its governance.  The primary criteria to be used in judging proposals are the relevance of the topic and the quality of the research.

Applications should be submitted no later than noon on Tuesday, April 6.

Please review the Call for Proposals for more detailed application guidelines.

Learn More About WAGE
The UW–Madison Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) is a research center that brings together scholars from economics, political science, public policy, sociology, business, law, engineering, and other fields to promote understanding of globalization and its governance in Wisconsin and beyond.

In the spirit of the Wisconsin Idea, WAGE shares international expertise with the businesses, government, and public of Wisconsin.  The center organizes and funds university events, faculty research, graduate education, and public outreach concerning economic globalization and its governance.

Visit the WAGE Web site for additional information about the center.