Call for Proposals – WAGE Research Collaboratives on Globalization

The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) invites all University of Wisconsin–Madison faculty to apply for a multi-year collaborative grant to increase understanding of globalization and the international economy. WAGE will award up to $100,000 to each of three separate collaboratives, with the awards spread over a three-year period.

Click here to review the full CFP (.pdf)
Application deadline: January 21, 2008
Information Session: November 8, noon – 1 PM in Ingraham 336

With this call for proposals WAGE aims to support collaborative research programs that explore the consequences of and challenges posed by economic globalization and its governance. The themes identified by these collaboratives will anchor WAGE’s programming for the 2008-2011 period.

To be considered, a proposal must include at least two UW–Madison faculty and we will look favorably on cross-departmental, cross-college, or cross-school collaborations. Our current collaboratives involve faculty from L&S, La Follette, Law, Business, Public Health, and CALS, and their activities have engaged faculty in the Veterinary School, Journalism, Engineering, Naval Science, and more.

WAGE is an interdisciplinary research center that focuses on contemporary processes of globalization and its governance. In the spirit of the Wisconsin Idea, WAGE shares international expertise with the businesses, government, and public of Wisconsin. We organize and fund university events, faculty research, graduate education, and public outreach.

We invite you to learn more about WAGE by visiting our Web site: There you will find information on the activities of our current collaborative award winners: Current Account Sustainability, Governing Global Insecurities, and Technology Entrepreneurship & Institutions. New Governance, a fourth collaborative, represents longstanding WAGE activities.