The University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Global Health (CGH) is pleased to announce the awarding of six educational travel fellowships to UW faculty and staff members. These grants are awarded to CGH affiliates to support international travel related to educational activities, including development for global health courses, initiation of field experiences and field research, and conference attendance which pertain directly to the mission of the CGH. Preference was given to proposals that address important global health issues, have an interdisciplinary focus, have potential for an ongoing relationship/partnership with the host country and offer tangible educational benefits. The review panel representing the Center for Global Health Steering Committee felt that the following outstanding submissions characterize the type of interdisciplinary initiatives that the Center seeks to support. Congratulations to these award recipients!
Marion Ceraso, MHS
Director, Outreach Education and Training, UW Population Health Institute
Senior Health Policy Analyst, Comprehensive Cancer Center, UW-Madison
Project: “Stemming the Tide of the Tobacco Epidemic in China”
“Reducing tobacco use in China may be one of the world’s greatest opportunities for the prevention of chronic disease. This field research project aims to test culturally appropriate interventions for reducing smoking among Chinese physicians, a sentinel population with the ability to influence smoking rates in the general population in China.”
Country: China
Jim Shropshire, MD
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine
UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Project: “I will be accompanying 4 of our 4th year Medical Students as they begin a month on international rotation, and plan to lay the ground work for additional opportunities for Pharmacy and Veterinary Students, and maybe others, to participate in interdisciplinary activities at the Hillside Clinic.”
Country: Belize
Eva Vivian, PharmD, BCPS, CDE, BC-ADM
Clinical Associate Professor
UW School of Pharmacy
Project: “Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus is preferable to managing the disease and may be more cost-effective. I, along with other UW faculty and staff, will spearhead a national diabetes awareness crusade involving schools, workplaces, institutions, and villages. We will work closely with Uganda community organizations to develop an interdisciplinary diabetes prevention education program that is culturally relevant to Ugandans.”
Country: Uganda
Susan Kidd Webster, MSSW
Senior Lecturer and Field Instructor
UW School of Social Work
Project: “The purpose of my trip will be to explore field work possibilities for our Social Work students in Uganda and to learn about the Ugandan culture so that we can better prepare students for their experience. I hope to team with other disciplines and schools in the Global Health program in addressing country needs related to health and well-being, as well as to learn from Ugandans about successful strategies they are utilizing, such as those related to reducing and treating HIV/AIDS.”
Country: Uganda
Jianqiang Wu, MD
Assistant Researcher, Department of Dermatology
UW School of Medicine and Public Health
Project: “Lecture Series for Prevention and Cessation of Tobacco Use in Different Social Communities in China”
Country: Inner Mongolia Region, China
Thomas Yuill, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Pathobiological Sciences
UW School of Veterinary Medicine
Professor and Director Emeritus, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Project: “The objective of the travel is to strengthen and expand the UW linkages with the Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG) focused on developing service leaning and research opportunities. I will be working with colleagues on three UdeG campuses to strengthen ties with UW colleagues and develop new initiatives interlinking the health and environmental sciences.”
Country: Mexico
Best wishes to this year’s award recipients! We look forward to presentations of their projects at future CGH seminars.
The CGH Steering Committee also wants to thank everyone who submitted proposals, and encourages continued involvement in global health activities. For more information on the UW-Madison Center for Global Health or to register as a CGH affiliate, visit Thank you for your support!