An Introduction to Opportunities to Study Abroad in Mainland China and Taiwan
Thursday, April 14
250 Bascom Hall
Open House
10:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Economists name this “China’s Century,” and linguists call Mandarin Chinese the next must-learn language of the 21st Century, already well-established as the world‘s largest in terms of native speakers. In this last decade, China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, Beijing hosted the 29th Olympiad in 2008, and Shanghai hosted the World Expo in 2010.
No doubt the second decade of the 21st Century will be an equally momentous one for China. Now the second largest economy in the world in terms of GDP, some economists are now projecting that China will surpass the US national economy by the end of this decade. Chinese are learning English in record numbers, and with ten times the number of Chinese students studying abroad in the US than there are US students studying abroad in China, it is safe to say the Chinese people know and understand more about America than Americans do about China. This is an exciting and opportune time to study abroad and to witness the dramatic transformation of China, as the nation emerges to take a dominant role in the global economy and on international stage.
Justin O’Jack, director of Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Study Centers in Greater China, will introduce students to opportunities for studying abroad in Beijing and Shanghai.
This event is sponsored by UW-Madison’s International Academic Programs (IAP) and CIEE. For more information on CIEE, visit their website.