The Wisconsin Alumni Association (WAA), in conjunction with the Division of International Studies, is pleased to announce a 2011 competition for student posters to be displayed at the July 26-29, 2011 UW International Convocation — Pre-proposals due May 2, 2011 .
Successful applicants will present their posters at the UW-Madison convocation and will have the opportunity to attend one full day of the International Convocation and the July 26 Wisconsin Alumni Association Reception, free of charge, as guests of the WAA.
Undergraduate and graduate students from across campus are invited to submit proposals to produce a 43″ by 36″ poster on one of the following themes:
- Global Higher Education
- Sustainability and Environmental Issues
- Emerging Economies
- International Diplomacy and Foreign Relations
- Global Health and Nutrition
The International Convocation will bring together alumni and friends from around the world to celebrate the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s leadership as a global university. Posters will be displayed on one of three days in the convocation venue.
Posters may include a range of information, such as: research findings, accounts of international and educational experiences, conceptual frameworks for addressing timely issues, and the application of basic research to practical issues of our day. Themes are broadly conceived to encourage submissions from students working in all areas of the university: the humanities, social sciences, sciences, and professional schools.
Interested students should submit a 125-word proposal, a one-page sketch of the poster design, and contact information to by May 2, 2011. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of faculty and academic staff. Decisions will be announced by May 15, 2011.
How will proposals be evaluated and selected?
Proposals will be reviewed by a four-member committee of faculty and academic staff. In evaluating proposals, the committee will consider such factors as:
- the importance, originality, and clarity of the project
- the extent to which the proposal links to themes of the convocation, on which see
- the international breadth of the project and its potential appeal to UW-Madison alumni and friends from around the world.
What should be included in the proposal?
- A 125-word abstract of the poster, submitted as a pdf attachment
- A one-page sketch of the poster design, submitted as a pdf attachment
- The name, major/department, and student ID of those submitting, included in the body of an email message sent (with above two attachments) to
For information on developing an abstract, see
For information on developing a poster, see
- Awardees are required to attend the day-long session in July at which their poster is shown.
- Awardees will have the opportunity to meet and network with international alumni and university friends from around the world and to attend the July 26 Wisconsin Alumni Association reception, as guests of the WAA.
- Posters may be single- or jointly-authored.
- Up to two persons per poster will be invited free of charge to present the poster and to attend the July 26 dinner.
Where should proposals be submitted?
Please submit proposals to no later than 5 p.m. on May 2, 2011. Questions about proposals should also be directed to