Fulbright Research Crunch time workshop

Dr. Erin Crawley is holding a question/answer and peer review session for all those applying for a Fulbright US student research, course of study or combination research/study grant by the campus deadline (there is a separate session on 9/3 for Fulbright English Teaching Assistant applicants). This is open to graduating seniors and graduate students who are in the final throes of the application process. If you are interested in getting feedback from others on your proposal, bring 3 copies of your proposal. Please email fellow@intl-institute.wisc.edu to indicate your interest in attending. Go here for information on the campus deadline and application process.
Attendance is not required, it’s an opportunity to bring questions and concerns about the application and to connect with others for peer review support.

Crunch time workshop
Thursday, August 27
5:00-7:00 PM
206 Ingraham Hall