Center for Global Health (CGH) Faculty and Staff Development Awards are available for UW faculty and staff who are CGH affiliates, to undertake international travel during 2011 that is related to educational and research activities, especially those involved in development of global health courses and/or initiation of field experiences and field research, which pertain directly to the mission of the CGH as outlined in the criteria below. Applications must involve low/middle income countries or populations and funds will not be awarded to attend meetings to present past work.
All applications and supporting materials must be received in the Center for Global Health office no later than November 8, 2010. Decisions and announcements of recipients will be made by December 1, 2010.
Students, residents, and fellows are not eligible for these awards.
For more information about the Center for Global Health, including to sign up as an affiliate, please visit:
The UW Center for Global Health promotes interdisciplinary education, research, and partnerships to address health issues that transcend national boundaries.
- develop global health education programs
- advance global health research
- facilitate global health partnerships and exchanges
- foster an interdisciplinary network of global health scholars and practitioners