Global Health Symposium

Untitled Document

Call for Proposals

Third Annual Global Health Symposium

February 7, 2007, 5:00-8:00pm

HSLC 1306

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improving Global Health

The UW-Madison Center for Global Health will sponsor its third annual symposium to highlight the exciting global health efforts of UW faculty, staff, and students, as well as colleagues from the Madison area and beyond. This year the symposium will feature interdisciplinary approaches to improving health. We encourage proposals from health professionals and others who are reaching beyond traditional boundaries to improve global health.

Our keynote speaker will be Dr. Joia Mukherjee, colleague of Dr. Paul Farmer and Medical Director of Partners in Health (PIH), an organization with community-based health care programs in Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Rwanda , Lesotho, and inner-city Boston. Partners in Health has had an interdisciplinary mission from its onset: “Treatment is only part of the story: we believe that the success of our programs is inextricably linked to our comprehensive approach to health care which aims not only to treat diseases but to serve the communities in which we work. This means what it always has, that PIH will advocate for our patients and their families to have access to clean water, decent housing, education and food in addition to primary health care. These are not secret ingredients but essential components of the PIH model of care.” Director Ophelia Dahl, PIH website.

Following the keynote, participants may select from several concurrent sessions featuring brief presentations of global health work. The symposium will end with a reception and time for networking.

Submission requirements:

Abstracts should be sent via e-mail to Lori DiPrete Brown, Assistant Director of the Center for Global Health, at Please provide your name, e-mail address, phone number, UW affiliation if applicable, the country where you have worked, a title for your presentation, and a brief abstract (300 word maximum). Abstracts should include a background statement of the problem and context, description of the project and participants, and outcomes if available. Abstracts will be posted on the Center for Global Health website. Deadline for submissions is January 19, 2007.

Attendance at the Symposium is free of charge and no registration is required. For more information, please contact Betsy Teigland at or 262-3862.

The Global Health Symposium is co-sponsored by the student-led Global Health Interest Group and the multidisciplinary Global Health Student Alliance.

The Center for Global Health is a collaborative initiative of the schools of Medicine and Public Health, Nursing, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy and International Studies. The center’s mission is to develop and support international health curricula, research, and service programs to contribute to health improvements throughout the world.