Spring World Beyond Our Borders Book Series


DATE: 12/29/2006

CONTACT: Ronnie Hess, Director of Communications, Division of International Studies, www.international.wisc.edu, UW-Madison, (608) 262-5590, rlhess@wisc.edu


Madison, WI – Books on global feminism and Pinochet’s Chile will lead off the University of Wisconsin-Madison International Institute and Borders Books spring 2007 series, “World Beyond Our Borders.”

The series, featuring books by UW-Madison faculty, has presented over 30 authors since its inception in 2003. “World Beyond our Borders” highlights readings and discussions on international subjects. All events are at 7 p.m. at Borders West, 3750 University Avenue, Madison, WI. The dates are subject to change.

  • Thursday, February 8 — Aili Tripp (Political Science, Women’s Studies) and Myra Marx Ferree, (Sociology), editors, Global Feminism (New York University Press, 2006). Through a series of important essays, this book details and analyzes the work of feminist activists around the world, revealing much about women’s changing rights, treatment and global impact.
  • Tuesday, March 6 — Steve J. Stern (History), Battling for Hearts and Minds: Memory Struggles in Pinochet’s Chile, 1973-1988 (Duke University Press, 2006). Stern’s timely book is the story of the dramatic struggle to define collective memory in Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.
  • Tuesday, April 10 — Rebecca L. Walkowitz (English), Cosmopolitan Style: Modernism Beyond the Nation (Columbia University Press, 2006) and editor of Immigrant Fictions: Contemporary Literature in an Age of Globalization (University of Wisconsin Press, 2007). In Cosmopolitan Style, Walkowitz engagingly shows how Joyce, Conrad, and Woolf developed a repertoire of narrative strategies that were later transformed by Rushdie, Ishiguro, and Sebald. Immigrant Fiction, a special issue of the journal Contemporary Literature, suggests that immigrant writers need to be read across several “geographies” of production, circulation, and translation.
  • Tuesday, May 8 — Aseema Sinha,(Political Science), The Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India: A Divided Leviathan (Indiana University Press, 2005). Winner of the Joseph W. Elder Prize in the Indian Social Sciences, American Institute of Indian Studies, the book offers a new look at economic development in India, focusing on interactions between the central state and regional elites.

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