Global Legal Studies Center Announces Fourth Annual South Asia Legal Studies Pre-Conference Workshop

The Global Legal Studies Center is pleased to announce the following event:

The Fourth Annual

South Asia Legal Studies Pre-Conference Workshop

Thursday, October 14, 2010

2:00-6:30 p.m. (dinner to follow)

Lubar Commons (7200 Law), UW Law School

Registration and refreshments will begin at 1:30 p.m., followed by lectures on “Adjudication and Social Structure in Historic and Contemporary South Asia.”  This event is free and open to anyone interested in attending.

1:30-2 p.m. – Registration and Refreshments

2-3:45 p.m. – Adjudication and Social Structure in Historic and Contemporary South Asia

  • Elizabeth Kolsky, Convener (Villanova University)
  • Martin Lau (School of Oriental and African Studies, UK): The Role of Law in Southern Afghanistan: Field Notes from Helmand Province
  • Anita M.Weiss (University of Oregon): Moving forward with the Legal Empowerment of Women in Pakistan?
  • Sumit Guha (Rutgers University): Patterns of Social Power and the Persistence of “Archaic” Forms of Dispute Resolution in Contemporary South Asia

4:15-6 p.m. – Environmental Legal Issues in South Asia

  • Stephanie Tai, Convener (UW Law School)
  • Sumudu Atapattu (UW Law School): International Climate Change Law and Sri Lanka
  • Tony George Puthucherril (Dalhousie University, Canada):
    Adapting to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise through Integrated Coastal Zone Management Laws: A Case Study of the South Asian Experience

6:00-6:30 p.m. – Teaching South Asia Legal Studies – planning session

  • Mitra Sharafi, Chair (UW Law School/History)

6:30 p.m. – Dinner (all speakers and participants are invited)



Global Legal Studies Center (with support from the Division of International Studies, the International Institute, and Global Studies for its Research Circle on “Role of Law in Developing and Transition Countrie“), Center for South Asia, UW Law School, and South Asia Legal Studies Working Group

About Global Legal Studies

Highlighting the many global centers on campus provides a greater understanding of the international efforts as a campus.  Under the umbrella of the Institute for Legal Studies, Global Legal Studies Center (GLS) is a joint project of the University of Wisconsin Law School and the Division of International Studies. Through this project, the Law School and the Division work together to promote the understanding of international; transnational; and comparative legal systems, processes, and regimes, and disseminate this knowledge to students and constituencies on and off campus.

GLS aims to support research in international legal studies, organize workshops and conferences, expand connections with scholars and institutions in the U.S. and overseas, deepen links with the International Institute and other international programs on campus, and share expertise.