Peace Corps material: Alumni in service abroad

University of Wisconsin-Madison materials science and engineering students often seek out interesting places to work after they graduate. Some go further afield than most, however: They sign up for stints in the Peace Corps after they receive their diplomas.

In recent years, several MS&E alumni have taken their talents overseas. It’s a natural fit, really, as a UW-Madison engineering education provides the necessary problem-solving and leadership skills for grads to excel.

“Engineering students, in many ways, have some of the most important skillsets to take with them into the Peace Corps,” says Kate Schachter, the UW-Madison Campus Peace Corps Recruiter.

And it’s a win-win situation, because Peace Corps service can become a springboard to pursue their passions.

That was the case for Adam Brewer (MSMS&E ‘12), who spent three years in Ghana teaching math and physics to high schoolers.

Back home now, Brewer is currently completing coursework for his high school teaching certification while working at Madison-based healthcare software company Epic Systems.

“I knew that the Peace Corps was one way I could share my love of science and math and working with kids, without a specific background in education,” says Brewer.

Read the full story.