Regenerative Medicine in the 21st Century: Managing Uncertainty at the Global Level

An international conference on stem cell research and related technologies, Regenerative Medicine in the 21st Century: Managing Uncertainty at the Global Level, will be held June 9-10, 2010. It is sponsored by the Regenerative Medicine in Europe Project at the University of York, U.K. (REMEDiE) and hosted by the Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies at the University of Wisconsin and the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN). The conference brings together multidisciplinary experts to address economic, political, ethical, and governance issues of regenerative medicine technologies. It will cover key topics from an international perspective, including presentations on investment trends, regulatory issues, clinical trials, and emerging concerns about oversight and ethics from Europe, the U.S., Canada, China, and Australia.

Topics include:

– Developments in cell banking: laboratory practices, distribution, and biobanking law

– Investment patterns and changes in research funding

– Comparative international frameworks for regulating stem cell research and trials

– Stem cell “tourism” and direct-to-consumer marketing of stem cell therapies

– Ethics and practical problems of informed consent and embryo donation

– Tissue sources for adult and embryonic stem cell research: emerging ethical concerns

Panel discussions will discuss patterns of investment, ethical, and legal governance, and how science and technology studies can engage with comparative studies of governance.

Registration is free but you must register to attend. Please register in order to ensure your place at the conference.

Read more about the program schedule and the registration.