Returned Peace Corps Volunteer Completes Service in Uganda

Lindsay Carrera
Lindsay Carrera

Peace Corps Volunteers know that service isn’t a bucket list item; it’s a life-long dedication. Once you are part of the Peace Corps family, you are always a member. No one knows that better than Lindsay Carrera, a Hartland, Wisconsin, native who recently completed her service in Uganda.

“I have always wanted to do Peace Corps – since I was young,” Carrera said, “I love learning about people and trying to help. It was an educational experience.”

As a primary education teacher trainer in Uganda from 2013-16, Carrera provided training and support to elementary school teachers. She also worked intensively with administrators and primary school management committees to improve education in her community.

Read the full story in the original post on Central Peace Corps Volunteers.

Story credited to PEACECORPSCHICAGO.