The Creation of becoming–Feral

Explore the complex relationships between humans and other-animals through becoming–Feral, a collection of poetry, visual art, essays, and more—all focused on understanding the shifting categories of ‘feral’ and ‘domestic’ within a landscape that is being altered by global transformations of climate and capitalism. Co-edited by Nelson Institute and School of Education doctoral candidate Alexandra Lakind, the book, which was released on November 10, features the work of over 80 contributors from a variety of genres and disciplines. To showcase multimedia contributions the book release also included a digital companion collection available on the becoming–Feral website.

As the book release coincided with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) taking place in Glasgow, Scotland October 31 through November 12 the becoming–Feral book launch  included an online and in-person public event that featured presentations from a number of becoming–Feral contributors.

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