Second International Meeting of the Lusophone Postcolonial Research Network (LUPOR)
The North-South Divide in Postcolonial Studies: Lusophone Perspectives
An International Conference at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
September 4-6, 2008
This conference will continue and extend LUPOR’s mission to examine and reassess the discourses and practices of Portuguese colonialism and its legacy by exploring possibilities for the development of a more diversified, plural, hybrid and contextualized knowledge of actual relationships in the Lusophone world. Proposing to revisit the historical and geographical circumstances that characterized Portuguese colonial practices on three continents over a period of nearly five centuries, Lusophone postcolonial studies works to further new understandings of economic, social, cultural and political configurations that shape the experiences of those living in, or hailing from, the eight nations that currently count Portuguese as one of their national languages.
By bringing together a group of international scholars from a wide variety of academic backgrounds who will present new perspectives on Lusophone colonialism and postcolonialism, the conference will offer a unique opportunity for an exchange of ideas concerning diverse knowledge systems. Through the explicit inclusion of perspectives that originate from, or are located in, the ‘south’ as well the ‘north,’ it will likewise contribute to the development of new ways of understanding current relationships that characterize north-south dialogue and interaction.
Thursday, Sept. 4:
Registration 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Conference opening: 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Magdalena Hauner, Associate Dean of the College of Letters and Science
Gilles Bousquet, Dean of International Studies
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Universidade de Coimbra and University of Wisconsin-Madison. “O pensamento abissal no espaço de língua oficial portuguesa”
Moderator: Ellen W. Sapega, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Reception-4:30 pm – 7:00 pm – Pyle, Center, AT&T Lounge
Friday, Sept. 5:
Plenary Session (9:00 am -10:00 am)
Moderator, Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hilary Owen, University of Manchester. “What the Englishwoman Saw: Maria Graham Goes Gothic in Brazil”
Session 1 (10:30 am -12:00 pm)-Gender, Race, and the End of Empire
Moderator: Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos, Universidade de Coimbra and University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ana Paula Ferreira, University of Minnesota. “‘Como podemos ser boas donas de casa?’: Colonialist Discourse, Gender, and the Critique of Colonialism”
José N. Ornelas, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. “From Colonialism to Post-colonialism: The Journey of a Nation from 1961-1974”
Ana Paula Arnaut, Universidade de Coimbra. “O barulho surdo(?) das raças em O Meu Nome É Legião de António Lobo Antunes”
Lunch, Pyle Center Main Dining Room
Session 2 (1:00 pm -2:30 pm)-Rethinking the Status of India
Moderator: Mary Lou Daniel, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Denise Saive, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Mulheres à margem? Revisão de poder e género nas obras de Diogo de Couto e Jan Huygen van Linschoten”
Ananya Chakravarti, University of Chicago. “Neither Reality nor Ideology: Brazil, India and the Third World, 1947-1961”
Joana Passos, Universidade do Minho. “Cozinha à critica literária. O percurso das letras indo-portuguesas no feminino”
Session 3 (3:00 pm – 4:30 pm)-Performing Migrations
Moderator: Tejumola Olaniyan, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Cor do pecado no More: Whitening the Baiana on the Great White Way”
Derek Pardue, Washington University. “Crioulo Rap As a Provocative Postcolonial Discourse”
Luísa Roubaud, Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa. “To Dance amidst the Ruins: Emergent Urban Theatre Dance in Lusophone Africa”
Plenary Session (5:00 pm – 6:00 pm)
Moderator: Steve J. Stern, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ronaldo Vainfas, Universidade Federal Fluminense. “Herança ibérica e multiculturalismo na historiografia brasileira”
Dinner (8:00 pm) Samba Brazilian Grill, 240 West Gilman St.
Saturday, Sept. 6:
Session 4 (9:00 am – 10:30 am)-Postcolonial Theory and the Lusophone World
Moderator: Aliko Songolo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Luís Madureira, University of Wisconsin-Madison. “Genocide, or, the Predicament of Colonial Rule”
Fernando Arenas, University of Minnesota. “Situating (Lusophone) Africa within the Global and the Postcolonial”
Elena Brugioni, Universidade do Minho. “Entre práticas e teorias. Propostas literárias pós-coloniais e formulações teóricas”
Plenary Session (11:00 am -12:00 pm)
Moderator: Luís Madureira, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ómar Ribeiro Thomaz, Universidade de São Paulo-Campinas. “Êxodo, fuga, expulsão ou retorno: os dias do fim das comunidades de origem européia e asiática de Moçambique”
Box Lunch
Session 5 (1:00 pm – 2:30 pm)-Language, Insularity, and Identity
Moderator: Christina McMahon, University of California-Santa Barbara
Anthony Soares, Queens University, Belfast. “Divided Unity-Past and Present: Timorese History in the Novels of Luís Cardoso”
Leonor Simas-Almeida, Brown University. “The ‘Reality’ of A Ilha Fantástica, through the Filter of Emotions, or the Role of Emotion in the Fancying of an Island”
João Rosa, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. “Democracy, Education and Linguistic Realities: Rupturing Boundaries of Movement”
Session 6 (3:00 pm – 4:30 pm)-War, Memory, and the Nation in Angola and Mozambique
Moderator: Severino J. Albuquerque, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Isabel Caldeira, Universidade de Coimbra. “In Search of an Identity: Tradition and Modernity in the Angolan Contemporary Novel”
Maria Tavares, University of Manchester. “A State without a Nation: Reading Paulina Chiziane’s Rewriting of the Nation’s Utopia in Ventos do Apocalipse“
Rebecca Jones-Kellogg, U.S. Miltary Academy. “Sites of Memory/Memories of War: A Socio-Literary Approach to the Military Past and Present in Nampula, Mozambique”
Closing Remarks (4:45 pm – 5:15 pm)-Ambassador João Almino, Consul General of Brazil, Chicago
Buisness meeting (5:30 pm – 6:30 pm)
Unless otherwise noted, all sessions will be held in the Pyle Center, Room 213
Conference Sponsors:
Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) and the Division of International Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Anonymous Fund of the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Consulate General of Brazil, Chicago
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Luso-Brazilian Review
Global Studies
Organizing Committee:
Ellen W. Sapega
Luís Madureira
Severino J. Albuquerque
Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez
Denise Saive, assistant to the Organizing Committee