Officials of Henan Province, China, held an event Oct. 25-28 at the International Convention and Exhibition Center of Zhengzhou, China, to support talent recruitment and project matchmaking in Chinese.
UW-Madison’s François Victor Tochon was invited and greeted as “a representative of Wisconsin’s academic talent.” Tochon is a professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the School of Education, and leads the World Language Education Program.
At this conference, experts were asked to develop policy recommendations to “support Chinese talent policy in Henan Province.” Among the experts asked to help improve their talent policy was Tochon, whose work focuses on immersive and learner-centered approaches to higher education.
In his recommendations, Tochon highlights the value of transdisciplinary, non-formal education. He states, “the philosophy of deeper learning is key toward personal and community development. What matters is to develop the whole person.”