TODAY on WPR’s Here on Earth: Milestones for a Spiritual Jihad

Today, July 6,  Jean Feraca of Wisconsin Public Readio’s Here on Earth: Radio Without Borders will present Milestones for a Spiritual Jihad.  The original show aired at 3 p.m., but will be rebroadcast at 9 p.m. here.

Description: Milestones for a Spiritual Jihad
“Muslim women can stand side by side their male counterparts at Mecca, the holiest city in the Muslim world, to pray, but once they are back home, they are most likely to find themselves crowded into a small, dark room at the back of a mosque. Asra Nomani, former Wall Street Journal correspondent and a visiting scholar at Georgetown University, thought she needed to take a stand against the unwritten rule of the mosque. We talk with Nomani and her journey to her spiritual jihad.”

About the show:
Here on Earth
explores international movements, world citizens, cross-cultural conversions, democracy-building initiatives, and the best world literature, movies, arts, food, and culture, each Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. (rebroadcast each night at 9 p.m.).

Here is on Earth is made possible by Wisconsin Public Radio, a service of the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board and University of Wisconsin – Extension and has an engaged partnership with Radio Netherlands, Division of International Studies, and World Literature Today.

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