Save the date!
From the UW Center for Global Health:
You are cordially invited to attend the 6th Annual UW Global Health Symposiu, February 3, 2010, 5:00-9:00 pm in the Health Sciences Learning Center, room 1306.
We expect to share a great evening with a variety of presentations regarding global health activities by the UW global health community with music, food, and more!
This year the theme is “Wisconsin Ideas for Improving Global Health.” The meeting will be launched by Provost Paul DeLuca who will share his vision for a global health agenda for the UW-Madison. Ajay Sethi will be the keynote speaker to discuss his work to improve health in Uganda.
*It is not too late to submit a brief abstract about your global health related work to Betsy Teigland; The deadline has been extended to Monday January 11, 2010. For more information and submission guidelines: