WAGE Remaking the Developmental State Pre-dissertation Travel Awards

The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy is pleased to announce the winners of the 2009 pre-dissertation travel awards sponsored by WAGE’s “Remaking the Developmental State” research collaborative. The graduate work of these students fits within a larger effort to understand what new strategies have worked, or might work, in today’s competitive global environment to diversify and expand economic activities or to promote social well-being. Each of these five projects critically examines innovative development strategies or explores obstacles and opportunities presented by a rapidly changing global context.  Please join us in congratulating the students!

Meina Cai, Political Science
“Unpacking the Miracle of Private Economy: The Micro-foundations of Chinese Business-State Relationships.” Awarded $1,500.

Paulina Calfucoy, Developmental Studies
“Productive Development Policies in Chile: Constraints and Opportunities for Export Diversification in an Open Economy” Awarded $1,500.

Rodolfo Elbert, Sociology
“Post-Neoliberal Development? A Labor-centered approach to the Argentinean Developmental Model (2003-08)” – Awarded $200 to supplement LACIS award.

Po-Yi Hung, Geography
“Constructing Landscape for Post-Socialist Development: Transnational Tea Trade, State Governance, and Ethnic Minorities in Southwest China.” – Awarded $1,300.

Julia McReynolds, Sociology
“Primary Care Centers in Argentina: Rebuilding the State’s Safety Net” – Awarded $1,500.